Latest Episodes
Chapter 10 - Across the Bight
Be inspired and encouraged as Dr Barry Harker reads about a man of faith and courage who cheerfully overcame obstacles and difficulties to fulfil...
Chapter 9 - Angels in the City of Churches
Be inspired and encouraged as Dr Barry Harker reads about a man of faith and courage who cheerfully overcame obstacles and difficulties to fulfil...
Chapter 8 - Are We Downhearted?
Be inspired and encouraged as Dr Barry Harker reads about a man of faith and courage who cheerfully overcame obstacles and difficulties to fulfil...
Chapter 7 - Cooee
Be inspired and encouraged as Dr Barry Harker reads about a man of faith and courage who cheerfully overcame obstacles and difficulties to fulfil...
Chapter 6 - Beyond Parattah
Be inspired and encouraged as Dr Barry Harker reads about a man of faith and courage who cheerfully overcame obstacles and difficulties to fulfil...
Chapter 5 - Life Partner
Be inspired and encouraged as Dr Barry Harker reads about a man of faith and courage who cheerfully overcame obstacles and difficulties to fulfil...